Univ.-Ass. Mag. Elitsa Tilkidzhieva -

Practice for Psychotherapy and Personal Growth

Psychotherapy stands for support, healing, nurturing and development of the whole person – one’s soul, mind, and vitality. Based on dialogue and embedded in the relationship between therapist and client, psychotherapy aims to alleviate mental suffering, help in life crises, change disturbed behaviors and attitudes, and promote personal development and health. The success of a psychotherapy treatment requires the active commitment of the client.

In a protected and confidential environment we will discuss your difficulties, life situations, experiences, relationships with significant others, work situations and your social environment, in order to fully understand the cause of your problem and to reawaken your own inner strength, needed to make the necessary internal and external changes for a fulfilling and healthy life.

On the way, you will most likely not only solve the original problem that brought you to psychotherapy but you will probably also rediscover yourself in the process, experience personal growth, increase your awareness and learn new competences which will help you build more meaningful and satisfying relationships, as well as enhance your ability to cope better with future challenges.

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I work actively in English, German and Bulgarian.

psychotherapy Graz

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy the interaction is between you and me. This form of therapy is very appropriate for working through life crises, traumas, relationship problems, various mental disorders, as well as for self-awareness and personality development.
psychotherapy Graz

Couple Therapy

In couple therapy the interaction is between you, your partner and me. This therapy form is very appropriate for dealing with relationship conflicts and challenges.
psychotherapy Graz

Group Therapy

In group therapy the interaction takes place in a safe group setting. Between 8 and 12 people participate regularly in the group. This type of therapy is very appropriate for working through various life patterns, self-awareness and personal growth.
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Organisational Consulting & Coaching

Coaching supports occupational self-reflection in individual, team and corporate setting. It is very appropriate for providing support in challenging professional situations (identity, conflicts, burn-out prevention, etc.) and well as in the search of new orientation.
psychotherapy Graz


Professional reflection of work-related challenges is offered for people working in the field of mental healthcare in individual and group supervision settings.
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I offer also seminars, workshops and lectures on various psychological, psychosocial and psychotherapeutic topics.


In its essence, Gestalt therapy is a theory of growth and development in which the immediate subjective experience (how we perceive ourselves and our surroundings), healthy self-regulation (how we meet our needs) and self-realization (how we develop our potential), play a central role.

Gestalt therapy is an integrative approach with elements of psychoanalysis, Gestalt psychology, field theory, existential philosophy, phenomenology, Martin Buber's philosophy of relationship and dialogue, and body psychotherapy. Gestalt therapy is based on a holistic view - human beings are seen as a unity of soul, body and spirit, embedded in their social and ecological environment.

The goal of the therapy is personal and societal growth through activating the self-healing power and potential of the individual, as well as through restoring the personal responsibility and decision-making. Gestalt therapy conveys a lifestyle that is characterized by mindfulness, respect and appreciation for oneself, the others and the environment.

Gestalt is a German word meaning "whole structure", "harmonious configuration", "meaningful organized whole".

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psychotherapy Graz I am a psychotherapist, teaching therapist, coach and supervisor, as well as a lecturer at Sigmund Freud University in Vienna. In my therapeutic and academic occupation I work in English, German and Bulgarian. Since 2004 I have been working in the field of mental healthcare and during the years I have had the opportunity to work with a manifold of people with diverse mental and psychosocial problems.

I was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. My personal and academic route brought me to Austria in the year 2009, where I specialized in psychotherapy, where I found my well-being and where I develop myself further every day. I live in a happy relationship in Graz and I do not have any children yet.

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You can reach me at +43 676 906 7999 or you can leave me a message using the contact form below.
I will be happy to hear from you!

Unfortunately I am currently not taking any new clients in Graz as I am moving my practice to Vienna

psychotherapy Graz
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Univ.-Ass. Mag. Elitsa Tilkidzhieva,
Practice for Psychotherapy and Personal Growth
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